A curated 1st grade spelling bee word list to help parents and teachers prepare students.
Includes sight words, phonics-based words, and challenge words.
Tips for fun spelling games and spelling bee practice strategies.
Parents and teachers looking for a 1st grade spelling bee list need words that are age-appropriate, engaging, and educational. The list below includes common sight words, phonics-based words, and slightly more challenging words for young learners.
Word | Part of Speech | Origin | Definition + Example Sentence |
gel | noun | Latin | A thick, jelly-like substance. She used hair gel to style her curls. |
train | noun/verb | Old French | A connected series of railroad cars or to teach a skill. The train arrived on time. / She trained her dog to sit. |
sport | noun | Old French | An activity involving physical exertion. Soccer is my favorite sport. |
rich | adjective | Old English | Having abundant wealth. The rich man donated to charity. |
eel | noun | Old English | A long, snake-like fish. An eel slithered through the water. |
fans | noun | Latin | People who enthusiastically support something. The fans cheered for their team. |
dome | noun | Latin | A rounded roof or ceiling. The building had a golden dome. |
tall | adjective | Old English | Having great height. The tall tree reached the sky. |
better | adjective | Old English | Of a higher quality. This cake tastes better than the last one. |
hit | verb | Old English | To strike forcefully. He hit the ball with the bat. |
peanut | noun | Spanish | A small, edible legume. She packed peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. |
cake | noun | Old Norse | A sweet baked dessert. We had chocolate cake for dessert. |
bite | verb | Old English | To cut with teeth. He took a bite of the apple. |
noon | noun | Latin | Twelve o’clock in the daytime. Lunch is served at noon. |
gummy | adjective | English | Soft and chewy. The gummy candy stuck to my teeth. |
sting | verb | Old English | To cause pain with a sharp object. The bee sting made her arm swell. |
ray | noun | Latin | A beam of light. A ray of sunshine warmed the room. |
dusk | noun | Old English | The time after sunset before it gets dark. The sky turned orange at dusk. |
mops | noun/verb | Dutch | Cleaning tools or the action of cleaning with a mop. She mops the floor every evening. |
thanks | noun | Old English | A polite expression of gratitude. She said thanks for the gift. |
dash | verb/noun | Old Norse | To run quickly or a small amount. He made a dash for the finish line. |
skin | noun | Old Norse | The outer layer of the body. She has smooth skin. |
star | noun | Old English | A celestial body emitting light. The star twinkled in the night sky. |
began | verb | Old English | Past tense of begin. She began her homework after dinner. |
grew | verb | Old English | Past tense of grow. The plant grew taller every day. |
fine | adjective | Latin | Of high quality. She wore a fine silk dress. |
day | noun | Old English | A 24-hour period. It was a sunny day. |
upset | verb/adjective | Old English | To be disturbed or to overturn. She was upset about the news. |
father | noun | Old English | A male parent. My father taught me how to ride a bike. |
jam | noun/verb | Old French | A fruit spread or to get stuck. She spread jam on her toast. / The printer jammed. |
mugs | noun | Old English | Large cups for drinking. He drank coffee from a big mug. |
fair | adjective | Old English | Just or beautiful. The judge made a fair decision. |
dinner | noun | Old French | The main meal of the day. They had pasta for dinner. |
rats | noun | Old English | Small rodents. Rats scurried in the alley. |
fed | verb | Old English | Past tense of feed. She fed the baby some applesauce. |
sir | noun | Old French | A respectful title for a man. Excuse me, sir, do you have the time? |
boom | noun | Dutch | A loud explosion or rapid growth. The cannon made a loud boom. |
wave | noun/verb | Old English | A movement of water or a hand gesture. The wave crashed on the shore. |
trunk | noun | Latin | A large storage box or the main part of a tree. She stored blankets in the trunk. |
sleepy | adjective | Old English | Feeling tired. She was sleepy after staying up late. |
full | adjective | Old English | Holding as much as possible. His plate was full of food. |
huge | adjective | Old English | Very large. The elephant was huge. |
born | verb | Old English | To come into existence. She was born in spring. |
jumping | verb | Old English | Moving quickly off the ground. He was jumping with joy. |
damp | adjective | Old English | Slightly wet. The towel was damp after the rain. |
from | preposition | Old English | Indicating a starting point. He moved from New York to California. |
hunch | noun/verb | Middle English | A feeling or to bend over. I have a hunch he is right. / He hunched over the table. |
each | adjective | Old English | Every one of two or more. Each student received a book. |
shade | noun | Old English | Darkness created by blocking light. They sat in the shade under the tree. |
ribs | noun | Old English | The curved bones protecting the chest. He injured his ribs in the fall. |
For additional structured practice, a printable PDF is available in the 1st grade spelling worksheets section.
Daily practice tips – Encourage kids to read, write, and use words in sentences to build familiarity.
Flashcard method – Create DIY flashcards to test memory.
Spelling bee mock tests – Conduct small home or classroom competitions.
Worksheet-based learning – Use printable spelling worksheets to reinforce patterns and improve recall.
Rainbow Writing – Kids write each letter of a word in different colors to help memorize the spelling.
Word Hunt – Hide spelling words around the house or classroom and have children find and spell them aloud.
Letter Scramble – Write letters on cards, scramble them, and ask kids to rearrange them into words.
Online spelling games – Interactive learning with Spelly's spelling games makes spelling practice engaging.
Certain words are trickier for first graders to spell because they don't follow simple phonetic rules. Here are some commonly misspelled words:
Encouraging children to focus on these words through repetition and fun activities can help them avoid common mistakes. Take a look at more commonly misspelled words.
Printable spelling worksheets are a great way to reinforce what first graders are learning. These worksheets help children practice spelling in a structured format, focusing on:
High-frequency sight words
Common phonics patterns
Tricky spelling bee words
Word recognition exercises
For additional practice, spelling lists by grade can help first graders transition smoothly into more advanced spelling challenges.
Spelly provides interactive learning experiences to make spelling practice easier and more effective for young learners.
Using a combination of interactive games, quizzes, and structured learning tools, Spelly makes it easy for first graders to build confidence in their spelling abilities.
As children progress in their spelling journey, they may need more challenging words to prepare for future spelling bees. Here are spelling bee word lists by grade level:
The fun way to learn how to spell!
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