Spelling bees are a fantastic way to boost a child’s vocabulary, confidence, and cognitive skills. If your 4th grader is preparing for a spelling bee, whether at school or beyond, you’re in the right place!
This guide provides:
A 4th grade spelling bee word list.
Study tips for parents and teachers to help students memorize words efficiently.
Fun spelling games that keep kids engaged.
Insights into spelling bee levels and how 4th graders can prepare for all stages of competition.
Let’s get started!
Here’s a list of essential words for 4th graders participating in a spelling bee. Words are divided into easy, intermediate, and challenging levels to help students progress gradually. You may also find our 4th grade spelling words list useful.
Word | Part of Speech | Origin | Definition + Example Sentence |
motion | noun | Latin | Movement or change in position. Example: The motion of the ocean waves was soothing. |
terror | noun | Latin | A feeling of extreme fear. Example: She screamed in terror when she saw the spider. |
murky | adjective | Latin | Dark and gloomy. Example: The murky waters hid the fish from sight. |
harvest | noun | Latin | The gathering of crops. Example: The farmer celebrated the successful harvest. |
quill | noun | Latin | A feather used for writing. Example: The poet wrote with a quill. |
patio | noun | Latin | An outdoor space next to a house. Example: We had breakfast on the patio. |
braids | noun | Latin | Strands of hair woven together. Example: She wore her hair in braids. |
castle | noun | Latin | A large fortified building. Example: The king lived in a grand castle. |
costume | noun | Latin | Clothes worn for disguise or a special event. Example: She wore a princess costume. |
wagon | noun | Latin | A four-wheeled vehicle. Example: The farmer used a wagon to carry goods. |
wrench | noun | Latin | A tool for gripping and turning objects. Example: He used a wrench to fix the pipe. |
indeed | adverb | Latin | Without a doubt. Example: She was indeed the best player on the team. |
gerbils | noun | Latin | Small burrowing rodents. Example: The gerbils ran around their cage. |
village | noun | Latin | A small town. Example: The village was located by the river. |
critters | noun | Latin | Small animals. Example: The forest was full of critters. |
stifle | verb | Latin | To stop or hold back. Example: He tried to stifle his laughter. |
dimple | noun | Latin | A small indentation in the skin. Example: Her smile revealed a dimple. |
brother | noun | Latin | A male sibling. Example: My brother is older than me. |
mistake | noun | Latin | An error. Example: He made a mistake on his test. |
harbor | noun | Latin | A sheltered port for ships. Example: The boat entered the harbor safely. |
reunion | noun | Latin | A gathering of people who have been apart. Example: The family reunion was joyful. |
balloon | noun | Latin | An inflatable object. Example: She held onto her balloon tightly. |
promise | noun | Latin | A commitment to do something. Example: He made a promise to help his friend. |
uproar | noun | Latin | A noisy disturbance. Example: The crowd was in an uproar after the decision. |
Wednesday | noun | Latin | The third day of the week. Example: Our meeting is on Wednesday. |
exactly | adverb | Latin | Precisely or correctly. Example: That is exactly what I meant. |
severe | adjective | Latin | Very harsh or serious. Example: The storm caused severe damage. |
twinkle | verb | Latin | To shine with flickering light. Example: The stars twinkle at night. |
snicker | verb | Latin | To laugh quietly and disrespectfully. Example: He snickered at the joke. |
stumble | verb | Latin | To trip or fall slightly. Example: She stumbled on the uneven sidewalk. |
smock | noun | Latin | A loose dress or covering. Example: The artist wore a smock to protect his clothes. |
natural | adjective | Latin | Found in nature. Example: The park had a natural beauty. |
childhood | noun | Latin | The time of being a child. Example: He had a happy childhood. |
nonsense | noun | Latin | Something that makes no sense. Example: His explanation was complete nonsense. |
bandits | noun | Latin | Robbers or outlaws. Example: The bandits attacked the travelers. |
champion | noun | Latin | The winner of a competition. Example: She was the chess champion. |
superb | adjective | Latin | Excellent or outstanding. Example: The meal was superb. |
tinge | noun | Latin | A small amount of color. Example: The sky had a tinge of pink. |
outcome | noun | Latin | The result of an action. Example: The outcome of the test was positive. |
groves | noun | Latin | Small groups of trees. Example: The orchard had several orange groves. |
ghostly | adjective | Latin | Resembling a ghost. Example: The abandoned house looked ghostly. |
convince | verb | Latin | To persuade someone. Example: He convinced his friend to join the team. |
biology | noun | Latin | The study of living things. Example: She loved her biology class. |
captive | noun | Latin | A person or animal that is imprisoned. Example: The captive bird was set free. |
streamers | noun | Latin | Long, narrow decorations. Example: The party room was filled with streamers. |
speckled | adjective | Latin | Covered with small spots. Example: The dog had a speckled coat. |
hopscotch | noun | Latin | A children's jumping game. Example: They played hopscotch during recess. |
jumbled | adjective | Latin | Mixed up or disordered. Example: The papers were all jumbled together. |
naughty | adjective | Latin | Mischievous or bad. Example: The naughty puppy chewed the shoes. |
dodgy | adjective | Latin | Risky or unreliable. Example: The deal seemed a bit dodgy. |
Word | Part of Speech | Origin | Definition + Example Sentence |
bronze | noun | Latin | A metal alloy of copper and tin. Example: The statue was made of bronze. |
flea | noun | Latin | A small insect that jumps. Example: The dog was scratching because of a flea. |
buckeye | noun | Latin | A tree with large brown seeds. Example: The buckeye tree stood tall in the park. |
sudsy | adjective | Latin | Full of foam or lather. Example: The dishwater was very sudsy. |
antlers | noun | Latin | The branched horns of a deer. Example: The moose had large antlers. |
dapper | adjective | Latin | Neat and stylish in appearance. Example: He looked very dapper in his suit. |
stroll | verb | Latin | A leisurely walk. Example: We took a stroll in the park. |
cress | noun | Latin | A plant used in salads. Example: She added cress to her sandwich. |
bestie | noun | Latin | A best friend. Example: She spent all day with her bestie. |
cereal | noun | Latin | A grain used for food. Example: He ate cereal for breakfast. |
silence | noun | Latin | The absence of sound. Example: The library was in complete silence. |
fury | noun | Latin | Extreme anger. Example: His fury was evident in his voice. |
howdy | interjection | Latin | An informal greeting. Example: He waved and said, 'Howdy!' |
important | adjective | Latin | Having great significance. Example: This decision is very important. |
popovers | noun | Latin | A light, hollow pastry. Example: She made fresh popovers for breakfast. |
thousand | noun | Latin | The number 1,000. Example: There were a thousand stars in the sky. |
razor | noun | Latin | A tool for shaving. Example: He used a razor to trim his beard. |
roughly | adverb | Latin | Approximately or not smoothly. Example: He estimated roughly 50 people attended. |
drawl | noun | Latin | A slow manner of speaking. Example: His Southern drawl was charming. |
oddity | noun | Latin | Something unusual. Example: The oddity of the situation made them laugh. |
insult | noun | Latin | A rude remark. Example: His words were taken as an insult. |
valley | noun | Latin | A low area between hills. Example: The river flowed through the valley. |
gather | verb | Latin | To bring together. Example: We gather around the table for dinner. |
dessert | noun | Latin | A sweet dish after a meal. Example: Ice cream is my favorite dessert. |
stagecoach | noun | Latin | A horse-drawn vehicle. Example: They traveled by stagecoach in the old days. |
peaceful | adjective | Latin | Free from disturbance. Example: The lake was peaceful in the morning. |
ailment | noun | Latin | A minor illness. Example: She had a common cold, a minor ailment. |
combat | noun | Latin | A fight or battle. Example: The soldiers prepared for combat. |
rotten | adjective | Latin | Decayed or spoiled. Example: The fruit was rotten and smelled bad. |
expressway | noun | Latin | A highway. Example: We took the expressway to save time. |
practice | noun | Latin | Repeated action for improvement. Example: Daily practice makes perfect. |
squash | noun | Latin | A type of vegetable. Example: She made soup with fresh squash. |
amused | adjective | Latin | Entertained or pleased. Example: The joke made everyone amused. |
pouch | noun | Latin | A small bag. Example: The kangaroo carried its baby in a pouch. |
outfits | noun | Latin | Clothes worn together. Example: She picked out her outfits for the trip. |
sewing | noun | Latin | The act of stitching fabric. Example: She enjoyed sewing her own clothes. |
transform | verb | Latin | To change in form. Example: The caterpillar will transform into a butterfly. |
marble | noun | Latin | A type of smooth rock. Example: The countertop was made of marble. |
gallon | noun | Latin | A unit of liquid measure. Example: We bought a gallon of milk. |
flitting | verb | Latin | Moving quickly. Example: The bird was flitting from branch to branch. |
plaza | noun | Latin | An open public space. Example: The city had a beautiful plaza with fountains. |
yesterday | noun | Latin | The day before today. Example: We went to the park yesterday. |
nighttime | noun | Latin | The period of night. Example: Owls are active during nighttime. |
putty | noun | Latin | A soft substance used to seal cracks. Example: He used putty to fix the window. |
glumly | adverb | Latin | In a sad manner. Example: She walked glumly after losing the game. |
ignore | verb | Latin | To refuse to notice. Example: He tried to ignore the noise. |
improve | verb | Latin | To make better. Example: She wants to improve her grades. |
Internet | noun | Latin | A global network. Example: The Internet provides vast information. |
pantry | noun | Latin | A storage space for food. Example: The pantry was stocked with snacks. |
hungrily | adverb | Latin | In a starving manner. Example: He ate his meal hungrily. |
Word | Part of Speech | Origin | Definition + Example Sentence |
thorax | noun | Latin | The chest part of an animal’s body. Example: The insect’s thorax was covered in fine hairs. |
tostones | noun | Latin | Twice-fried plantain slices. Example: She enjoyed eating crispy tostones. |
bunions | noun | Latin | A painful swelling on the big toe. Example: He had surgery to remove his bunions. |
bamboozled | verb | Latin | Tricked or deceived. Example: The magician bamboozled the audience with his tricks. |
Oman | noun | Latin | A country in the Middle East. Example: Oman has beautiful desert landscapes. |
flummox | verb | Latin | To confuse or perplex. Example: The difficult question flummoxed the student. |
inscrutable | adjective | Latin | Difficult to understand. Example: His expression was inscrutable. |
serenity | noun | Latin | The state of being calm. Example: She enjoyed the serenity of the quiet beach. |
congregation | noun | Latin | A gathering of people, often for religious purposes. Example: The congregation met for Sunday service. |
sentinel | noun | Latin | A guard or watchman. Example: The sentinel stood at the castle gates. |
Arctic | adjective | Latin | Relating to the North Pole. Example: The Arctic is extremely cold in winter. |
fluke | noun | Latin | A stroke of luck. Example: Winning the lottery was a complete fluke. |
captain | noun | Latin | The leader of a ship or team. Example: The captain navigated through the storm. |
delegation | noun | Latin | A group chosen to represent others. Example: The delegation traveled to the conference. |
verve | noun | Latin | Energy and enthusiasm. Example: She danced with great verve. |
Vaseline | noun | Latin | A brand of petroleum jelly. Example: He applied Vaseline to his dry lips. |
gastritis | noun | Latin | Inflammation of the stomach lining. Example: He suffered from gastritis after eating spicy food. |
platypus | noun | Latin | A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal. Example: The platypus is unique to Australia. |
salute | verb | Latin | To show respect by raising the hand. Example: The soldiers salute their commander. |
mantel | noun | Latin | A shelf above a fireplace. Example: Family photos were placed on the mantel. |
amphitheater | noun | Latin | A circular open-air venue. Example: The play was performed in an amphitheater. |
desecration | noun | Latin | The act of disrespecting something sacred. Example: The desecration of the temple angered many. |
diode | noun | Latin | A semiconductor device. Example: The circuit contained a small diode. |
mischievous | adjective | Latin | Naughty or playful in a bad way. Example: The mischievous cat knocked over the vase. |
bionic | adjective | Latin | Having artificial body parts. Example: He had a bionic arm. |
syllables | noun | Latin | Units of pronunciation in a word. Example: The word 'banana' has three syllables. |
sultanate | noun | Latin | A territory ruled by a sultan. Example: The sultanate was known for its rich culture. |
turban | noun | Latin | A head covering worn in some cultures. Example: He wore a turban as part of his tradition. |
sausage | noun | Latin | A meat product encased in a skin. Example: He had sausage and eggs for breakfast. |
disgruntled | adjective | Latin | Unhappy or dissatisfied. Example: The disgruntled employee resigned. |
terrify | verb | Latin | To cause great fear. Example: The horror movie will terrify you. |
quip | noun | Latin | A witty remark. Example: He made a clever quip during the meeting. |
information | noun | Latin | Knowledge or facts. Example: The internet provides a vast amount of information. |
incubator | noun | Latin | A device to keep babies or eggs warm. Example: The premature baby was placed in an incubator. |
droll | adjective | Latin | Funny in an odd way. Example: His droll humor made everyone chuckle. |
vultures | noun | Latin | Large birds that eat dead animals. Example: The vultures circled the carcass. |
Arabic | adjective | Latin | Relating to the language or culture of Arabia. Example: He is fluent in Arabic. |
Brooklyn | noun | Latin | A borough of New York City. Example: She grew up in Brooklyn. |
sacred | adjective | Latin | Holy or deeply respected. Example: The temple is considered sacred. |
reindeer | noun | Latin | A deer species found in cold regions. Example: Santa's sleigh is pulled by reindeer. |
disclaimer | noun | Latin | A warning about responsibility. Example: The product came with a disclaimer. |
quotation | noun | Latin | A group of words taken from another source. Example: He included a famous quotation in his speech. |
superior | adjective | Latin | Better than others. Example: His work was superior to the rest. |
privilege | noun | Latin | A special right or advantage. Example: Education is a privilege. |
fallow | adjective | Latin | Unused but capable of growing crops. Example: The farmer left the field fallow. |
replica | noun | Latin | A copy of an original. Example: The museum had a replica of the famous statue. |
provision | noun | Latin | A supply of necessary things. Example: The ship was stocked with provisions. |
reference | noun | Latin | A source of information. Example: The teacher gave a reference book for research. |
havens | noun | Latin | Safe places or shelters. Example: The refugees found havens in the city. |
voracious | adjective | Latin | Having an enormous appetite. Example: He was a voracious reader. |
Preparing for a spelling bee requires more than just memorizing words. Here are proven techniques to help your child build strong spelling skills:
Break words into syllables: Chunking words into syllables makes them easier to remember (e.g., ad-ven-ture).
Use mnemonics: Tricks like 'Necessary = Never Eat Cake, Eat Salad Sandwiches And Remain Young' can help with tricky words.
Practice with flashcards: Write words on one side and definitions on the other to reinforce learning.
Say, Spell, Say: Have the child say the word, spell it out loud, then say it again to solidify memory.
Write words multiple times: Repetition improves retention. A child can write each word three times in a row to reinforce memory.
Mock spelling bees: Recreate the competition environment at home or in the classroom to build confidence.
Encourage consistent practice: 10-15 minutes of spelling practice daily is more effective than cramming.
For more structured practice, check out our free spelling worksheets for 4th grade.
Studying spelling words doesn’t have to be boring! Try these interactive spelling games to make learning fun:
Spelling Bee Bingo: Create bingo cards with spelling words. Call out definitions and have kids mark the word.
Word Scramble Challenge: Mix up letters in a word and have kids unscramble them.
Hangman with Spelling Bee Words: Play a classic word-guessing game using spelling bee words.
Spelling Relay Races: In a team-based game, kids take turns spelling words correctly before tagging a teammate.
Act It Out: Use difficult words in charades-style guessing games.
Online spelling games like Spelly help kids practice spelling while keeping it fun.
Engaging games help reduce stress and make spelling practice enjoyable and effective.
Spelling bees range from classroom competitions to the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Here’s where 4th graders fit in the competition ladder:
School-level bees: Most 4th graders start here, competing against classmates.
Regional bees: Winners from schools advance to district and regional levels.
National bees: Scripps National Spelling Bee includes 4th-grade participants who have mastered both grade-level and advanced words.
Scripps Bee Levels:
One Bee: Grades 1-3
Two Bee: Grades 4-6 (4th graders compete here)
Three Bee: Grades 7-8
A strong 4th-grade speller should study beyond their grade level, and using resources like commonly misspelled words can be helpful.
Many students feel nervous before a spelling bee. Here’s how to build confidence and reduce stress:
Encourage a growth mindset: Mistakes are part of learning.
Teach relaxation techniques: Deep breathing before a competition can help calm nerves.
Simulate the real event: Hold mini spelling bees at home so the student feels comfortable.
Praise effort, not just results: Acknowledge progress, not just wins.
Avoid cramming the night before: Last-minute stress isn’t helpful—consistent practice is key!
Preparing for a spelling bee is an exciting challenge! By using the word list, practicing daily, and making learning fun with games and mock bees, your 4th grader will gain both spelling skills and confidence.
Teachers and parents—print this guide, start practicing, and watch your student shine in the spelling bee!
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