5th Grade Spelling Bee words include a mix of challenging vocabulary, multisyllabic words, and commonly misspelled words.
Students should focus on word origins, syllable breakdowns, and pronunciation patterns.
Practicing with word lists, worksheets, and spelling games can improve accuracy and confidence.
Free 5th Grade Spelling Bee Word List available for practice.
Word | Part of Speech | Origin | Definition + Example Sentence |
Ballerina | Noun | Italian | A female ballet dancer. The ballerina twirled gracefully across the stage. |
Cubism | Noun | French | An art style using geometric shapes. Picasso was a master of cubism. |
Interact | Verb | Latin | To communicate or work together. Students interact during group projects. |
Jerky | Noun | American English | Dried meat. He packed beef jerky for the hike. |
Diablo | Noun | Spanish | The devil or an evil being. The legend spoke of a lurking diablo. |
Ablaze | Adjective | Old English | On fire. The campfire was ablaze with bright flames. |
Pivot | Verb | French | To turn around a point. He made a quick pivot during the game. |
Karate | Noun | Japanese | A martial art. She earned a black belt in karate. |
Bowler | Noun | English | A type of hat. He wore a classic bowler to the party. |
Phantom | Noun | Greek | A ghost or illusion. The old house was rumored to have a phantom. |
Locust | Noun | Latin | A grasshopper-like insect. A swarm of locusts damaged the crops. |
Council | Noun | Latin | A group that makes decisions. The student council planned the event. |
Ointment | Noun | Latin | A healing cream. She applied ointment to the burn. |
Gothic | Adjective | French | A style of architecture. The cathedral had a Gothic design. |
Midair | Noun | English | The space above ground. The ball froze in midair before hitting the hoop. |
Hurricane | Noun | Spanish | A powerful storm. The hurricane caused massive damage along the coast. |
Laurel | Noun | Latin | A type of plant, symbolizing victory. The winner received a laurel wreath. |
Lollygag | Verb | American English | To waste time. Stop lollygagging and start your homework! |
Vermin | Noun | Latin | Small harmful animals. The barn was infested with vermin. |
Argument | Noun | Latin | A disagreement or debate. They had an argument over the best movie. |
Wreckage | Noun | Middle English | Remains of something destroyed. The wreckage of the ship was found on the beach. |
Dolphin | Noun | Greek | A marine mammal. Dolphins are known for their intelligence. |
Infinite | Adjective | Latin | Without end. The universe is said to be infinite. |
Bittersweet | Adjective | English | Both happy and sad. Graduation was a bittersweet moment. |
Fend | Verb | Old English | To protect oneself. She had to fend off the wild geese. |
Disguise | Noun | French | A costume or mask. His disguise fooled everyone at the party. |
Membrane | Noun | Latin | A thin layer of tissue. The eardrum is a delicate membrane. |
Magnolia | Noun | French | A type of flower. The magnolia tree bloomed beautifully in spring. |
Sensation | Noun | Latin | A feeling or perception. The icy water caused a tingling sensation. |
Daredevil | Noun | English | A risk-taker. The daredevil performed stunts on his motorcycle. |
Bypass | Noun | English | A road that avoids a congested area. The highway bypass made travel faster. |
Oysters | Noun | Latin | A type of shellfish. She enjoyed fresh oysters at the seafood restaurant. |
Military | Adjective | Latin | Related to the armed forces. Her father served in the military for 20 years. |
Gasket | Noun | French | A sealing device in machinery. The engine needed a new gasket. |
Biceps | Noun | Latin | A muscle in the arm. He flexed his biceps after working out. |
Voyage | Noun | French | A long journey. Their voyage across the ocean took months. |
Advantage | Noun | Latin | A beneficial factor. Being bilingual is an advantage in many careers. |
Applause | Noun | Latin | Clapping to show approval. The audience gave a standing ovation of applause. |
Nostrils | Noun | Old English | Openings in the nose. He flared his nostrils in anger. |
Television | Noun | Greek & Latin | A device for viewing broadcasts. We watched the news on television. |
Mattress | Noun | Arabic | A cushioned bed surface. The mattress was soft and comfortable. |
Soldier | Noun | Latin | A member of the military. The soldier marched in perfect formation. |
Trousers | Noun | French | Pants. His trousers were neatly pressed for the event. |
Albums | Noun | Latin | A collection of music or photos. She bought three new albums from her favorite band. |
Muscles | Noun | Latin | Tissues that help movement. Strong muscles help with endurance. |
Diploma | Noun | Greek | A graduation certificate. She proudly held her diploma at the ceremony. |
Harpoons | Noun | French | Spears used for hunting fish. Whalers once used harpoons to catch whales. |
Rampage | Noun | Old Norse | A violent, uncontrolled action. The bull went on a rampage through the streets. |
Levitate | Verb | Latin | To rise in the air. The magician appeared to levitate above the stage. |
Spritzed | Verb | German | Sprayed lightly with liquid. She spritzed perfume on her wrist before leaving. |
By 5th grade, Spelling Bee words become more complex. Contestants must spell longer words, words with silent letters, and those with tricky vowel combinations.
Silent letters (knight, doubt, subtle)
Double consonants (embarrass, committee, occurrence)
Words with tricky vowels (liaison, eerie, gorgeous)
Foreign-origin words (chateau, tortilla, bouquet)
Break words into syllables (e.g., 'mag-ni-fi-cent')
Learn root words & origins (helps with Latin, Greek, and French-based words)
Use flashcards for repetition and recall
Write words by hand to reinforce memory
Read more books to expand vocabulary
Play spelling games - Try Spelling Games for Kids to make practice fun.
Even strong spellers trip up on tricky words. Here are some of the most commonly misspelled words in 5th-grade spelling bees:
Word | Mistake People Make | Trick to Remember |
Separate | Seperate | There's 'A RAT' in 'separate' |
Necessary | Neccessary | One C, two Sās |
Definitely | Definately | No 'A' in 'Definitely'! |
Embarrass | Embarass | Double R, double S |
For more tricky words, see Commonly Misspelled Words.
If you're aiming for the top, you need to practice harder words. Here are some tough 5th-grade words:
Word | Meaning |
Connoisseur | An expert in taste or art |
Nomenclature | A system of naming things |
Persnickety | Fussy or difficult to please |
Soliloquy | A speech given alone on stage |
Unanimous | Fully in agreement |
Find more in Hard Spelling Bee Words.
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Spelling Bees challenge 5th graders to improve vocabulary, memory, and confidence. The best way to prepare? Practice daily, learn word patterns, and use fun spelling games.
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